The Name of the Association shall be All India Film & Tv Entertainment Artist Welfare Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association)


The headquarters of the Association shall be situated in Nagpur.


The All India Film & Tv Entertainment Artist Welfare Association (AIFAWA) is an independent organisation with the following goals:

To protect and defend the interests, rights, and privileges of its members in matters relevant to their professional involvement and working circumstances.

To foster a sense of fraternity and unity among its members and to regulate their professional contacts with their employers. However, finding members jobs or contracts/assignments is not the Association’s responsibility.

To hold paid courses at discounted rates in order to develop its members’ abilities and to support high standards of ethical behaviour in the workplace.

To arbitrate professional conflicts between members and producers, directors, studios, TV networks, web networks, employers, etc. arising out of any violation or disagreement with the terms of their contracts or agreements, with the goal of resolving them.

To make an effort to offer protection to its members against illness, unemployment, disability, old age, and death.

To make an effort to ensure members receive fair and legal compensation for accidents under the Workmen’s Compensation Act and other relevant laws and regulations.

To offer members legal aid or guidance regarding issues related to or arising out of their job, including legal consulting and other similar support services. cases that must meet the standard that they jeopardise the rights of artists generally. The Executive Committee will examine such matters and decide whether to prosecute or defend.

to make an effort to ensure that its members are represented on any delegations, commissions, committees, etc., established by the federal, state, or local governments, the film industry, or other organisations where matters relating to artists or acting are to be handled.

In order to further the goals and objectives of the All India Film & TV Entertainment Artist Welfare Association, including securing and protecting the rights of its members, artists exchange programmes with international bodies, as well as initiatives that will help AIFAWA members as well as other performers advance their skills, we are willing to work with any individual or organisation, whether private or governmental, within India or internationally.

To assist the working classes in India and abroad in promoting the causes specified in this rule in conformity with the Indian Trade Unions Act; and generally, to conduct any additional actions that may be required to improve the members’ working circumstances.

The Association may set up centres or branches in other cities to help achieve these goals.

To make an effort to get public and governmental recognition for the Association.

to establish branches of the Association and coordinate with organisations across the nation that share their goals and objectives.

to carry out all actions that are incidental or helpful in achieving the aforementioned goals.


Any Indian national performer who lives within the borders of the Union of India and who has been cast or has been contracted to cast a significant role in a feature film, TV serial, Telefilm, live performance, advertisement film shown on screen, digital or any new media is eligible for membership in AIFAWA.

Both foreign nationals and non-resident Indians are eligible to apply for a temporary work permit. By paying costs of Rs. 10,000/- for a brief length of time, this work permit shall be provided for a year or the duration of the project/valid passport and employment visa, whichever is less.

Note:- The Executive Committee have the right to frame Byelaws required for live performance or any other media so as to cover only stage appearances as an actor and not celebrities.


i. Work-permit Initial year: Any person who wishes to join must submit an application on the specified form (physical or online), completely filled out, and submitted with all necessary documentation for a one-year work visa, as well as admission fees of Rs. 10,000 (non-refundable) by check, pay order, or online.

Eligibility: (please note that the Scrutiny Committee has the right to chalk out Administrative norms for smooth functioning of the organisation subject to permission of EC) (please note that the Scrutiny Committee has the right to chalk out Administrative guidelines for smooth functioning of the association subject to approval of EC)

Along with the other required documents included in the application form, you must provide proof of successful completion of at least one year of training, a diploma, a degree, etc.


Proof of work in the form of DVD,show reel or links.


For Freshers -Letter of employment from a production house/channel for a significant character in a film/TV show or an on-camera audition in AIFAWA’s office.

Any applicant may be called for an Interview/ audition at AIFAWA office, if he/she is unable to fulfill the above criterions or if required by the scrutiny committee.

ii. Work-permit Second year: Within 30 days of the first year’s work permit expiring, the holder of a valid work permit may submit an application for a second year’s renewal by paying the second year’s renewal cost of Rs. 10,000. The same can be done by him or her after 30 days, but there will be a late fee of Rs. 500 per month starting on the date the first year’s work permit expires, unless a legitimate and adequate justification is provided. Only after the first year’s work permit expires, not after the fee has been paid, will the second year’s work permit be provided. And under no circumstances will the payments for the same be reimbursed. If a person’s second year work permit is not renewed within 12 months of the expiration of their first year work permit, their work permit will be assumed to have been revoked. He/she may, however, submit a new application for a first-year work permit.

The right to vote in elections is not available to work permit holders for the aforementioned two years. However, if there are any artist disputes, these may be resolved during the duration of the work visa as long as they didn’t start before the first year’s work permit was issued.

iiiRegular membership may only be obtained after successfully completing TWO years of continuous work authorization. The member will be informed of his rights and obligations for the association after an interview, audition, and assessment of his work and behaviour during the previous two years. He or she will be required to pay a one-time admission fee of Rs. 10,000, a membership welfare fund of Rs. 500, and a regular subscription of Rs. 1200 if they are accepted for regular membership. (All regular members will pay a subscription cost of Rs. 1200/- per year as of January 1, 2017). A second-year work permit holder must submit an application for a regular membership in the third year on or before the second-year work permit’s expiration date. He or she may also do the same within 12 months, but will be charged a late fee of Rs. 500 per month starting on the date that the second year’s work permit expires in exchange for a legitimate and adequate justification for the delay. Failure to apply for regular membership in the third year within a window of 12 months following the expiration of the second year work permit will require the applicant to go through the first and second year work permit applications again in order to be qualified for regular membership. Upon payment of the full admission price of Rs.30,000/-, membership welfare fund of Rs.500/-, and a regular subscription of Rs.1200/- per year, EC may offer straight Regular Membership to Senior or Established Artistes. It also applies to former members who apply after having their names removed from the AIFAWA directory because they failed to pay their membership fees, or who pay all of the aforementioned sums in addition to lapsed subscription sums in order to keep their previous membership number.

iv. Life Member: Those who have reached the age of 18 and have been regular members for seven years in a row without any subscription arrears may apply for life membership by paying a one-time charge of Rs. 15,000/-. In feature films, TV series, Telefilms, digital or any other new media, he or she should have portrayed at least six separate major characters over the course of two to three years. However, the Executive Committee has the final say.

v. Child Artiste:

A person under the age of 18 is referred to as a child.

For ease of identification, each kid artiste will have their own design card.

a. AIFAWA will work to ensure that the production house makes the necessary arrangements and offers the necessary amenities, such as good food with fruit, clean water delivered on time, and separate room facilities with associated toilets. The Producer should also put up a study area on the sets for kids to use when they have free time in between takes.

b. The child’s parent, guardian, or caretaker should be permitted to stay with the child(ren) during shooting.

c. In the case of reality shows, a child should not be subjected to negative or harsh comments by the show’s judges if they are eliminated from the competition in the first round due to their inferior performance to their competition. Otherwise, the child might feel humiliated and develop depression.

d. A doctor or appropriate medical support should be available on the sets.

e. If a child performer needs to be replaced for real reasons, their parents or legal guardians should be notified one month in advance.

f. The youngster should not miss more than 10 days of school throughout a school year due to shooting.

g. The working hours and conditions for young performers must strictly adhere to the regulations and instructions set forth by the Women & Children Welfare Ministry.

h. When filming, kid-friendly lighting and makeup should be employed.

i. No violations of children’s rights, such as eliminating lunch breaks or maintaining anti-child abuse policies, should occur.

j. Children performing artists are not eligible to join.

Payment for children

Legally, minors under the age of 18 are not permitted to use bank accounts or sign contracts or other legal papers. As a result, the payment for their participation should be paid in the form of fixed deposits under the supervision of their parents or next of kin. As long as at least 50% of the contribution is invested for children in fixed deposits or bonds that mature when they turn 18 years old. The remaining amount of the school fee for that particular academic year should be paid out of the 50% allotted to parents or guardians. This will ensure that the child stays in the school and will indirectly help the parent. The child’s parent would naturally be the formal guardians unless a case is made out that it would be against the best interests of the child.


Famous people can become honorary members of the association if they are prepared to work for the association’s and its members’ benefit. Such honorary Association members’ terms will only be compatible with those of the current Executive Committee. They may only have a maximum of three, subject to Section 22 of the Indian Trade Unions Act of 1926. (three). Honorary members are only permitted to attend and speak at meetings by invitation; they are not permitted to cast votes.


i. Senior Cine & TV Artiste members of the Cine & TV Artistes Association who have reached the age of 65, have worked steadily in films for the past 20 years, have been regular members of the Association for the past five years, and are current with their annual dues may be exempted from paying the annual subscription upon application to the Executive committee with sufficient proof of performance. These exempted members are neither eligible to run for office nor have any voting privileges. He or she will be eligible for all other member perks, though. The exempted members must pay the arrears for the exemption period in order to reclaim normal membership.

ii. Senior members of the Cine & TV Artistes Association who have reached the age of 65 and have been active members for at least 15 years should be excused from paying the association’s monthly subscription fee for as long as they are alive. These exempt members are entitled to vote and are able to run for office.


A member ceases to be such-

a) If he requests in writing that the Executive Committee remove his name from the Register after having paid all past-due dues, if any.

b) If a regular member does not renew within 12 months of the expiration date, a penalty of Rs. 100 per month will be assessed starting in month 13 in addition to the usual subscription payments that must be paid. However, if the outstanding payments and late fees are not paid for a period of 60 months following the renewal date, the member’s membership will be cancelled. After that, if the applicant decides to reapply for membership, s/he will need to meet all the conditions for new members again.

c) Any member who does a conduct that is directly or indirectly unfriendly, prejudiced, condemning, defamatory, or harmful to AIFAWA, its members, work permit holders, or any other associates, affiliates, or linked parties of AIFAWA will be dismissed from the organisation. Such acts shall include, but not be limited to, publishing such materials in print media, social media, or any other public forum.

This makes it clear that AIFAWA will be receptive to member complaints, which the Executive Committee will promptly and strictly note, examine, and investigate. Any member who commits one of the aforementioned acts listed in subclause 8(c) will be asked by the Executive Committee to attend a meeting at a time and date that will be set by the Executive Committee. At the meeting, the member will have the opportunity to explain their actions, but the Executive Committee’s decision will be final and the member will be expelled. It is made clear that in these situations, the member will be given one notice to attend the said meeting with the Executive Committee. If the member does not attend for any reason and/or is unable to give an explanation that the Executive Committee deems satisfactory, he or she may be expelled from the said meeting without incurring any obligations for AIFAWA. The member in question will thereafter receive written notification of their expulsion. If a member who has been expelled has not been heard because they were unable to attend the meeting, they may seek a meeting in writing from AIFAWA within 15 days of the meeting. The Executive Committee will then schedule the meeting. The expulsion of the member in question will be discussed at the next General Meeting or, if necessary by the Executive Committee, at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any repeal of the expulsion will be based on a vote count of the members voting in favour of or against such expulsion. If during such a meeting an explanation is not forthcoming, or is not satisfactory in the opinion of the Executive Committee. Members should be aware that an Extraordinary General Meeting would require significant expenses, so such meetings will only be held if the Executive Committee deems them to be absolutely necessary for all of its members and AIFAWA as an organisation, and not otherwise.


Members of associations get access to a range of services at discounted rates, including but not limited to talent management, wellness programmes, and hospital empanelment.

The membership card acts as official proof that a person is a legitimate member of a Registered Trade Union Body, and it can also be used as identification when applying for a visa.

A membership card can be used to demonstrate your identification and your job during times of law and order.

Starting on the day the association’s work permit is given, the association will evaluate any professional conflicts between members and any producer over a movie or television show; problems that existed before to the work permit’s issuance will not be taken into account. In addition, even after a work permit or regular membership has been issued, complaints that are older than three years won’t be taken into account. The decision to discuss the topic will ultimately rest with the Executive Committee.

Member may attend workshops organized by AIFAWA at nominal price.


In the tragic event that a member passes away accidentally while filming, the nominee of the dead may be awarded up to Rs. 1 lakhs.

A nominee will receive Rs. 1,000,000 in the event of a member’s natural death, provided the member had a minimum of 5 years of membership at the time of death or earlier.

If a set accident results in a partial or permanent disability or the loss of any body parts, there is a compensation of upto Rs. 50,000.

It is made clear that this compensation is only offered as a welfare measure and cannot be used to pay for any claims made by the member or nominee who sustained the injury while working for any Employer. It is also subject to the terms set forth in this document for payment.

Emergency Medical Assistance up to Rs. 25,000 is available to members who have been Regular Members for at least five years.

Only through the Association, a poor and deserving members can get medical/financial assistance, “relief,” or both, as long as they have been members of AIFAWA continuously for at least five years as of the application date and are over 65. However, the Committee has the last say.

The amount of the aforementioned compensation is contingent upon meeting the eligibility requirements; please refer to the Constitution for more information. It may also be periodically reviewed by the members of the AIFAWA Executive Committee, depending on the organization’s overall financial health.


The affairs of the Association shall be administered by:

a. The General Body, which is made up of Regular and Life members of the Association, will serve as the governing body and operate in accordance with the AIFAWA Constitution. When the General Body feels that the Association’s interests may be at jeopardy, it has the right to have the Executive Committee’s decisions reviewed. However, in order to avoid a disruption of law and order, such disputes must be settled amicably, calmly, and civilly.

b. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will operate in accordance with the guidelines and powers granted to it in the AIFAWA Constitution, and it will be in charge of carrying out the organization’s daily operations and accomplishing its goals.


The Executive Committee, which consists of 21 Members and 15 of whom are elected by vote every three years at the election held 15 days before to the Annual General Meeting, shall be responsible for the overall management of the Association (besides 6 by co-option). The following office holders will be chosen by the 15 elected Executive Committee Members from among themselves, and they will be announced at the following Annual General Meeting.



Executive commitee

Eligibility for co-opted EC members: -He/she should be a regular member of the Association for a minimum period of 3 years.

Bifurcation for co-opted EC members: – 2 women, 2 Sr. citizen and 2 young members.

The Executive Committee shall meet once a month on a day, place and time fixed by the General Secretary, in consultation with the President. However, emergency meetings can be held whenever necessary.

Seven members plus at least one of the Office-bearers shall form the Quorum.

If any member of the Executive Committee, including the Office-bearers, fails to attend a minimum of six monthly Executive Committee meetings out of 12 such meeting held in any year of the term of that Executive Committee without giving prior written notice and/or without sufficient reason he/she shall cease to be a member of the Executive Committee. However, discretion shall remain with the Executive Committee to continue with such member. (01.05.2016)

In the unexpected event of an Office Bearer’s position falling vacant, the Executive Committee shall fill up the same by appointing an elected member of the Executive Committee to the said post. In case there is a vacancy created in the Executive Committee, for any reason whatsoever, then the same shall be filled by the Executive Committee by means of co-option from among the Regular, Life members of the Association, as may be the case. The Executive Committee will ensure that its strength never falls below 21 for more than a month.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to form sub-committees for the purpose of fulfilling the aims and objectives of AIFAWA further for smooth functioning of outreach and other administrative activities as and when required, and induct regular and life members of the association in these sub-committees.

To reach out to each and every member, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint Group Heads and sub Group Heads accordingly. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to prepare a proper strategy in regards to rights and duties of these Group heads. The Executive is not entitled for any rewards but the Executive Committee has the right to reward entitlements to these Group heads.

President, General Secretary and Treasurer shall be the ex-officio Members of all the Sub-Committees so appointed which prevails in all the Associations.

The Executive Committee shall have power to frame administrative rules, for the efficient working and the general conduct of the Association, whenever deemed necessary.

Bye-laws will be guiding force for the Executive Committee to govern the AIFAWA as per the Constitution hence the Executive Committee shall have the power to amend/add any of the bye-laws at any time, provided that more than 50% of the total numbers of the Executive committee are present at the meeting or have consented through electronic media.

Any Executive Committee member (including an Office Bearer) found guilty of any act of misconduct, misdemeanor or any action against the interest of the Association shall be issued a show-cause notice, whereupon his/her explanation will be heard by the Executive Committee or a sub-committee appointed by it. If the said member’s testimony is found unsatisfactory, then the member may be suspended or terminated from being the member of the EC by the Executive Committee.

Any member who started his/her career as a Cine & TV Artiste and remained in prominence in that profession for 20 years or more and now is a Producer but not holding any offices or is a member of the Executive Committee of producers body, can be eligible for holding office in Cine & TV. Artistes’ Association but will not participate in case of any kind of complaint against him or her from any member in the Dispute Settlement Committee of Cine & TV. Artistes’ Association.


i. President /Vice-President: The President, or in his absence the Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee and shall represent the Association in general with the consent of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President and the Vice-President the members present shall elect one of their members to be the Chairperson of the Meeting.

ii. GENERAL SECRETARY: The General Secretary will be responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the Association and its office.

The General Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee.

The General Secretary shall convene all the Executive Committee Meetings in consultation with the President of AIFAWA.

The General Secretary shall have the authority to appoint office staff, including senior administrators or executives or managers or specialists or consultants as considered necessary for the Association, in consultation with the President of AIFAWA and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

The General Secretary along with the Treasurer will keep all accounts and prepare a Balance Sheet annually showing clearly every item of Receipt and Expenditure.

The General Secretary along with the Treasurer shall submit all the returns and notices to the Registrar of Trade Unions, which are required to be submitted.

iii. JOINT SECRETARIES: The Joint Secretaries will assist the General Secretary in the performance of his/her tasks and duties. In the absence of the General Secretary, one of the Joint Secretaries designated by the General Secretary shall perform all the duties of the General Secretary.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining due accounts of the finances of the Association, and present monthly financial reports to the Executive Committee, and annually to the General Body.

The Treasurer will sanction payment towards all expenditure sanctioned by the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer will have the authority to sanction day-to-day expenses.


i. During the year at least one General meeting shall be held; being the Annual general Meeting, the notice of which shall be sent to the members a month before the holding of such a meeting.

ii. ¼ (one fourth) of the total number of members then on the register shall form the quorum at all General meeting of the Association. In the absence of a quorum at a General Meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned, without fresh notice, to the same day, after fifteen minutes at the same place. An adjourned meeting need have no quorum. This rule shall not apply to the Executive Committee meetings.

iii. Any Resolution which a member desires to place before the General meeting shall be sent in writing duly proposed and seconded a fortnight before the date of such meeting to the Executive committee, which shall be circulated to the members by post/ electronic and/or web publishing for information of the members at least a week before the General meeting (09/04/1978).

iv. The Constitution may be added to, repealed, or amended by a resolution at an Ordinary or Extra-ordinary General Meeting, provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed, unless it has been carried by a majority of two-third of the members present but in consonance to the attractable existing laws.

v. Any member or body of members in office shall vacate the same when in a General Body meeting; where one fourth of the total number of members must be present a no-confidence motion by a simple majority is carried out against them/him/her.

vi. Any Hon. Member or any other invitee can attend a meeting of the Executive Committee or General Body or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting on invitation issued by the Executive Committee.

vii. The Legal advisor of this association can attend any meeting of the Executive Committee or of the General Body ex-officio without any invitation.


The following business shall be transacted at the Annual General Meeting.

(a) To present Annual Report of the activities of the Association, to confirm minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any other matter which the General Secretary has placed on the agenda.

(b) To adopt Audited Annual Statements of Accounts and to appoint auditors and fix their remuneration.

(c) Annual General Meeting is preordained for specific important agendas including the presentation of activity reports for the work done by the Executive Committee and such other agendas the nature of which may require certain information to be provided to members in advance. Accordingly Members may send their questions /comments /suggestions if any, to AIFAWA’s office 15 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. The notice sent by AIFAWA to its members shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be duly served on to the members by email/courier/post at the respective email addresses/addresses of each member as may be available in the AIFAWA records at the time of dispatch of the said notices. The members will be solely liable to keep AIFAWA informed of any change in his/her address and for the purposes of dispatch of the said notice the address available in AIFAWA records at least 15 days prior to the date of such dispatch will be deemed to be the correct address for such dispatch and delivery. The Executive Committee will assess the questions put forth by the members as stated above and if deemed appropriate for discussion in the said Annual General Meeting the same shall be placed in Annual General Meeting keeping in mind time constraints at that time. No further questions other than as included in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting as finalized by the Executive Committee members will be entertained at the said Annual General Meeting and any further questions/comments/suggestions if any required to be raised and/or clarified by the Members will be responded to in writing through the AIFAWA’s Office only after the same has been submitted for such response by the members at the AIFAWA office. With a view to make all Annual General Meetings fruitful and beneficial for all members including the members who attend the same as per the pre-defined agenda no further/new questions/comments/suggestions other than those which form a part of the agenda finalized by the Executive Committee for the Annual General Meeting, will be entertained or answered at the Annual General Meeting unless otherwise required by the Chairperson. In order to ensure that members can express their views on the proposed important resolutions and proposed constitutional amendments or additions the Executive Committee will keep “Zero Hour” of 20 minutes in Annual General Meeting prior to voting on the proposed important resolutions/amendments/additions. Members may send their suggestions in writing at AIFAWA’s office 15 days prior to the date of the of Annual General Meeting as to in which slot of the meeting “Zero Hour” should be held. (Please note that Office of Association will remain open on all days from Monday to Saturday between 10.30 am to 7.30 pm. Except Sundays and Bank Holidays)(01.05.2016)


An Extra-Ordinary General meeting shall be convened by the Executive committee on their own authority or on the written and signed requisition of at least three fourth of members of the association. Such a meeting can be convened after forty-eight hours’ notice to the members of the Association. No member shall be permitted to discuss any subject other than the one for which the meeting is called. In case, the President or the General Secretary fails to convene such a meeting, the requisitionist themselves shall call a meeting, after due notice the requisitionist shall inform the Executive Committee to post his/her query/grievance on the website of AIFAWA for the voting of the members on the same. The office of the Association will cooperate to inform the same to all the members. At the end of 15 days period from the date of posting queries/ grievance on the website, if the total number of votes in favour of the sameis more than or equal to 1/3 of the total number of members of the Association, only then will the requisionists be allowed/permitted to conduct an EGM and the proceedings and expenses of the meeting shall be binding on the Association.


The subscription fees from members, entrance fees from work permits, life membership payments, contributions, and income from recognised sources, among other things, make up the Association’s general funds. They must be deposited in a bank or banks that have been approved by the Executive Committee in the name of the Association, and the Treasurer and one of the President or General Secretary must manage the account. For daily expenses, the General Secretary or Treasurer may not retain more than Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) in cash on hand.

The Executive Committee will have the authority to spend money as they see fit for the Association’s operations and maintenance. The Committee may take whatever steps are required to raise the Association’s funds, including holding fund-raising activities and inviting gifts.


The general finances of the Association may only be used for the purposes listed below, subject to section 15 of the Indian Trade Union Act of 1926.

i. Compensation for workers, consultants, retainers, and other service providers to the Association, including salaries, allowances, and other perks.

ii. The payment of administrative costs associated with the Association, such as the audit of its general fund accounts.

iii. The prosecution or defence of any legal proceedings in which the Association or any of its members is a party, when such prosecution or defence is undertaken to secure or protect any rights of the Association as a whole or any rights arising out of any member’s relationships with his employer or a person he employs. The EC may, at its discretion, provide members with legal and financial support if they are involved in legal battles that are relevant to AIFAWA’s mission to secure and defend the rights of its members.

iv. Handling business disputes on behalf of the Association or any of its members;

v. Reimbursing members for losses resulting from business disputes;

vi. Expenses associated with any initiative or activity the Association takes to further its goals, as well as any meetings where AIFAWA is represented outside of Mumbai.

vii. Medical or other Welfare payments to members as agreed by the pertinent subcommittees in charge of such proposals, and as approved by the EC.

viii. Costs associated with general body meetings, the association’s website, digital apps, or any other publishing or communication endeavours.

ix. Payments made to further any purposes for which the Association’s general funds may be used, or contributions made to any cause intended to benefit workers generally, provided that the amount spent on such contributions in any given fiscal year does not, at any time during the year, exceed one-fourth of the gross income that has up to that point accrued to the Association’s general funds during that year

x. Any other object that has been announced by the relevant Government in the Official Gazette, subject to any conditions included in the notification.

xi. Costs associated with arranging and/or attending seminars, workshops, outreach efforts, and other events as deemed appropriate in India and abroad, including the presenting of souvenirs or gifts to noteworthy visitors.


a. The Association shall appoint certified auditors. A balance sheet must be prepared and certified as accurate, and they must inspect the Association’s accounts once a year, at least fifteen days before the date of the notice of the annual general meeting. Their report must be delivered at the annual general meeting.


Any member or official of the Association may, with the previous consent of the General Secretary, see the Association’s books of accounts at the Association’s office during regular business hours on any day other than a holiday. All EC members of the Association may, however, freely examine the books of accounts during business hours without the General Secretary’s knowledge or consent.


All members of the Association must be listed in a register that includes their names, addresses, and other information. Any member or officer at the Head office may check the register for a legitimate reason at any time the Association’s office is open, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, with the General Secretary’s consent.


The Executive Committee is responsible for interpreting the Constitution and determining how it should be applied. Any decisions made by the Executive Committee are final and are binding on all members.


The Association cannot be dissolved unless a general meeting convened for that purpose is attended by three-fourths of the members, and provided that the total number of votes cast at that meeting is at least two-thirds of the total number of members listed on the Association’s rolls at the time. After all liabilities have been paid, the Association’s money must be distributed in line with the dissolution meeting’s decision and the trade union laws in effect at the time.


Since AIFAWA is not a political party and does not wish to be identified as one, the association will not affiliate with any political party, associate with any political party, or directly or indirectly support any political party.



1. Unless and until they sign a contract with the Producer, no member of our Association may begin or continue to work. Within 15 days of the contract’s signing, members must submit a copy of the agreement.


Regular and Life Members’ Rights:

Right to participate in debates and vote on resolutions at annual general meetings.

Right to request conciliation or mediation for dispute resolution.

Right to use the amenities that the association provides on occasion to its members.

Right to participate in AIFAWA events, which are accessible to all Association members under the rules and conditions stated for each event.

Right to cast a ballot in AIFAWA elections and, subject to meeting the requirements outlined in the applicable provision, the right to run for office on the Executive Committee.

The Rights of Non-Resident Indians and Work Permits:

Right to request mediation or conciliation from the dispute resolution committee.

b. The right to utilise the facilities that the Association occasionally makes available to its members.

c. The right to participate in AIFAWA events, which are accessible to all Association members subject to the terms and limitations stated for each event.

Responsibilities and Duties of Members:

a. Maintaining one’s honour, respect, and loyalty to the Association and its members.

b. To keep the Association of successes/failures current.

b. Assisting the Association in carrying out tasks designated for Outreach or any other voluntary activities as needed.

d. To adhere to the Association’s dos and don’ts.

e. It is solely your obligation to keep your contact information and fees current.

f. To conduct themselves appropriately at Association functions, annual general meetings, meetings, and at the Association office.

Documents required for work-permit: – {Application form charges Rs.500/-. (non-refundable),recent passport size photograph, Proof of date of birth, Current and Permanent Proof of Address}.