No Artist may be substituted without first receiving their/NOC. AIFAWA’s
Any member wishing to read the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting should come to the office and do so with the Hon. Gen. Secretary’s prior written consent.
Any member who has a question about the Association’s normal business or financial records must first contact the AIFAWA headquarters. After giving written notice to the AIFAWA office and waiting three months for a response or resolution, the member may directly contact the Labour Commissioner’s Office. Any member who seeks out the office of the Labour Commissioner without first going to the AIFAWA office will receive a show-cause notice and disciplinary action will be started.
Members who have fallen behind on their subscription payments will not be eligible for any advantages offered by the Association (Clause 9 – Benefits), unless the Executive Committee grants an exception by adopting a resolution to that effect. Additionally, the Executive Committee retains the ability to request pertinent paperwork, such as but not limited to utility bills, ITRs, bank statements/passbooks, and any paperwork it deems appropriate for such sanctions. After carefully reviewing these materials, the Executive Committee will make a decision that will be final and binding on the member. The Executive Committee’s judgement and choice shall be final and enforceable.
In cases of alleged sexual harassment or assault against an AIFAWA member, the Executive Committee resolves to take suo-moto notice of the same and to give the offending member a 3-day show-cause notice, but the final decision on the action to be taken by AIFAWA, subject to some prima facie/evidence/witness, will be taken by the EC after due observance of principles. AIFAWA will only take action that is strictly in compliance with the rules of its constitution and with the law of the land. If the complaint is an AIFAWA member and has brought legal action on his or her own initiative, AIFAWA would support the member wholeheartedly throughout the investigation and in any other way they see fit, including providing legal counsel. If the EC determines that the complainant-accusation member’s is baseless, the EC may take severe disciplinary action against the complainant-member.
If a member of the Executive Committee cannot attend in person for whatever reason that has been disclosed in advance by that member, the quorum of the meeting may be met through video conferences or other means.
It is decided that 10% of AIFAWA’s annual earnings overage would be allocated particularly to the association’s welfare fund as a form of compensation for AIFAWA members and/or their heirs or nominees.
It is decided that the entrance fee of Rs. 10,000/- can be divided into 4 payments of Rs. 2500/- each upon receipt of a written request from the applicant/work-permit holder and approval from the Executive Committee after exercising their discretion and examining his/her financial situation. The artist will be required to provide 4 PDCs for the same. If a check is returned unpaid, the artist’s membership will be revoked with immediate effect. The artist will need to apply for membership from the beginning if they still want to join.